Farnham Netball Club
A local competitive Netball Club who have always believed in playing netball to the best of our ability in an inclusive and friendly environment. The club has 4 squads playing in Divisions 1, 2 and 5 of the Wavell Invitation Netball League and Div 1 of the North Hampshire Saturday League. Please follow our INSTAGRAM page to see what we’ve been up to!
Our history
Farnham Ladies Netball Club was formed in 1976 by Edwina Hunter and Margaret Smith-Gander.
Pre season training and team selections
Come along to our pre season training sessions at The Wavell School.
Our teams
The club currently has three teams playing in the Wavell Invitation Netball League (WINL), playing alternate Wednesdays:
Farnham Gold – Division 1
Farnham Gold
Farnham Black – Divison 2
Farnham Black
Farnham White – Division 2
Farnham White
Farnham Red – Division 5
Farnham Red
We also play in the Hampshire North Saturday Netball League on alternate Saturday mornings